Photos: Robert Pattinson and Camille Rowe hot kissing for Dior campaign 2013

actor Robert Pattinson (27) and young model Camille Rowe, erotic scenes for Dior Homme 2013 Fall Fragrance Campaign 2013

I think they like cooperation

Camille Rowe nude 

Robert & Camille hottest scene

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Camille will be another girlfriend?

Robert & Camille they look loves

Robert & Camille hottest kissing

Robert and sexy girls
Born: Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson, May 13, 1986, London, England, English actor, model, musician and film producer // Camille Rowe, July 2, 1991, Paris, France, professional fashion model // courtesy photos: Dior Campaign
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Write by: Dj Donk - Saturday, August 31, 2013

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